Netanyahu’s Campaign Stop in DC! By Miko Peled

if you aren’t following miko peled yet, you should

Miko Peled


Netanyahu’s campaign stop in Washington DC turned out to be a huge success. Hours and hours of coverage on CNN and the other networks, which showered him with praise and had his images plastered all over our television sets, and all for free, absolutely free! Nor could he have hoped or paid for better coverage in the printed media. For several days Netanyahu’s face graced the front pages of the major newspapers in America.

Thankfully the visit was filled with controversy, which only gave it more coverage and kept everyone in suspense till the final moment when he actually stepped into the house of representatives to address the join session, assembled to greet him like Cesar returning to Rome. Oh, yes, the President wasn’t happy, and Secretary of State Kerry was overseas in Europe somewhere posing for pictures with bearded men, Iranians I think. But who are they compared with…

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